During the reporting period, a presentation "Some remarks on strong fuzzy metrics" was made and presented at the 16th International Scientific Conference "Fuzzy set theory and applications 2022", in Liptovski Jan (Slovakia). Two presentations "Strong fuzzy metrics and strong fuzzy approximating metrics with applications in word combinatorics" and "Fuzzy approximating methods in combinatorics on words" were made and presented at the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia.
During the reporting period, work on parametrized metrics was carried out. A parametrized metric on infinite sets of words based on the t-conorm was constructed. The analysis of which t-conorms are acceptable in this construction was made. Together with the mathematician Emils Miķelis Miķelsons numerical computations have been carried out for various pairs of infinite words. The influence of both the choice of the t-conorms and the choice of the parameter in the calculations was analyzed. All results have been compiled and submitted for publication. The results will be presented at the International Scientific Conference "Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems" (IPMU 2022) to be held in Milan, Italy, in July 2022.
A scientific publication "Some remarks on strong fuzzy metrics and strong fuzzy approximating metrics with applications in word combinatorics", containing results from this and previous periods, has been submitted and approved during the reporting period.
The information posted on 31.03.2022.