2008.gada publikācijas
2008. gada publikācijas, kas atrodamas anonīmi recenzētos un starptautiski pieejamās datu bāzēs iekļautos zinātniskajos izdevumos
- Rūsiņš Freivalds. Artin's Conjecture and Size of Finite Probabilistic Automata. "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg et al., vol. 4800, 2008, pp. 280-291. CMCI
- Rūsiņš Freivalds and Richard F. Bonner. Quantum inductive inference by finite automata. "Theoretical Computer Science", vol. 397, No. 1-3, 20 May 2008, pp. 1-246. CMCI
- Rūsiņš Freivalds. Non-constructive Methods for Finite Probabilistic Automata. "International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science", vol. 19, No. 3, June 2008, pp. 565 - 580. SCI
- Jānis Bārzdiņš, Rūsiņš Freivalds, Carl H. Smith. Learning with belief levels. "Journal of Computer and System Sciences", vol. 74, No. 4, June 2008, pp. 527-545. SCI
- J. Barzdins, A. Kalnins, E. Rencis, S. Rikacovs. Model Transformation Languages and their Implementation by Bootstrapping Method. Pillars of Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4800, Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 130-145. CMCI
- Daniel Varro, Mark Asztalos, Denes Bisztray, Artur Boronat, Duc-Hanh Dang, Rubino Geiss, Joel Greenyer, Pieter Van Gorp, Ole Kniemeyer, Anantha Narayanan, Edgars Rencis, and Erhard Weinell. Transformation of UML Models to CSP: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE '07). Springer, Berlin, LNCS, vol. 5058, pp. 540 – 565, 2008. CMCI
- R.Najmanovich, N.Kurbatova and J. Thornton. Detection of 3D atomic similarities and their use in the discrimination of small-molecule protein binding sites. Bioinformatics, vol. 24, i105-i111, 2008. SCI
- G.Barzdins, E.Liepins, M.Veilande, M.Zviedris. Semantic Latvia Approach in the Medical Domain, Proceedings of the 8th International Baltic Conference (Baltic DB&IS 2008); H.M Haav, A.Kalja (Eds.), Tallinn University of Technology Press, ISBN 978-9985-59-789-7, pp.89-102. ISI Proc
- S. Asmuss, N. Budkina. Splines in convex sets under constraints of two-sided inequality type in a hyperplane. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vol. 13, No 4, 2008. SCI
- H. Kalis, I. Kangro. Vortical flow of incompressible viscous fluid in finite cylinder. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Vol. 13, No.3, 2008, p. 371-381. SCI
- S. Solovjov, On the category Q-MOD, Algebra Univ., vol. 58 (2008), 35-58. SCI
- S. Solovjov, Sobriety and spatiality in varieties of algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Syst., 159 (2008), no. 19, 2567 – 2585. CMCI
- U.Raitums, Relaxation of weakly discontinuous functional depending on one control function, Math. Modell. and Analysis, vol.13, 2008,pp. 79-85. SCI
- U.Raitums and J.R.Kalnin, Homogenization of structures with different velocities of particles, Applicable Analysis, vol.87, 2008, pp.1337-1340. SCI
- J. Kaupužs, R. V. N. Melnik, J. Rimshans, Advanced Monte Carlo study of the Goldstone mode singularity in the 3D XY model, Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 4, pp. 124 – 134 (2008) SCI
- F.Sadyrbaev, I.Yermachenko. Multiple solutions of two-point nonlinear boundary value problems. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 2008, 10 lpp. doi:10.1016/j.na.2008.10.053 [ISSN: 0362-546X, SCI]
- A.Gritsans, F.Sadyrbaev. Two-parametric nonlinear eigenvalue problems. E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., Proc. 8'th Coll. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., No. 10. (2008), pp. 1-14. [ISSN: HU ISSN 1417-3875, SCI]
- A.Gritsans, F.Sadyrbaev. On nonlinear Fučík type spectra. Math. Modelling and Analysis, V.13, N.2., 2008, 203-210. [ISSN 1392-6292, SCI]
- A.Ya.Lepin. On some properties of the Dirichlet problem at resonance. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 15, (2008), no. 1, 111 – 120. [ISSN 1072-947X, SCI]
- Ю.А. Клоков. Об экстремалях одного функционала в пространстве. Дифференциальные уравнения, 2008, т. 44, No. 6, 748 – 754. Yu.A. Klokov. On the Extremals of a Functional in Space. Differential Equations ISSN 0012-2661, Vol. 44, No. 6, 2008, 768 – 774 CMCI
Pieņemts publicēšanai:
- Elina Kalnina, Audris Kalnins. DSL tool development with transformations and static mappings. Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2008, LNCS Vol. 5421, CMCI
- Gudkov V.V. Construction and application of matrix solutions of nonlinear wave equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. SCI
Monogrāfijas 2008. gadā
- S. Solovjov. On a Categorical Generalization of the Concept of Fuzzy Set: Basic Definitions, Properties, Examples. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, 2008.
- R. Mahnke, J. Kaupužs, I. Lubashevsky. Physics of Stochastic Processes. How Randomness Acts in Time. WILEY-VCH, 2008 , p. 430
- G. Fricnovičs, I. Ilziņa. Informātikas nodaļa Zinātnes un tehnoloģijas vārdnīcā, Rīga, izd. Norden, 2001. Atkārtots izdevums 2008. gadā.
- Latgaliešu pareizrakstības noteikumi. Rīga, Rēzekne: LR Tieslietu ministrijas Valsts valodas centrs, 2008. - 68 lpp. (redaktore I. Sperga)
- Myusdīnu latgalīšu dzejis antologeja "Susātivs". Rēzekne: Latgolys Studentu centrs, 2008. 336 lpp. (redaktore I. Sperga)
Publikācijas LZP atzītos izdevumos 2008. gadā
- F. Sadyrbaev, S.Atslega. Period annuli in the Lienard type equation. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 44 (2008), N 1, 117 – 123
- G.Barzdins, J.Barzdins, K.Cerans. From Databases to Ontologies. Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society. Redaktori: J.Cardoso, M.Lytras, Information Science Reference, Hershey, New York, IGI Global, 2008, pp.242-265
- O. Vilitis, A. Kalnins. Technical Solutions for the Transformation-Driven Graphical Tool Building Platform METAclipse. Scientific Papers University of Latvia, Vol. 733, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Riga, Latvia, 2008, pp. 179–212.
- Sostaks, A. Kalnins. The Implementation of MOLA to L3 Compiler. Scientific Papers University of Latvia, Vol. 733, Computer Science and Information Technologies, Riga, Latvia, 2008, pp. 140–178. http://melnais.mii.lu.lv/audris/S07-LU%2010%20Sostaks_Kalnins_formatted.pdf
- O. Vilitis, A. Kalnins. A Proxy Approach to External Model Repository Integration in Eclipse EMF Infrastructure. Proceedings of ECMDA MDTPI '08 workshop, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Berlin, Germany, June 9, 2008, pp. 67-78 http://melnais.mii.lu.lv/audris/Vilitis_Kalnins_WiseObjects.pdf
- LU Raksti, 733.sējums. Datorzinātne un informācijas tehnoloģijas. Redaktors: J.Bārzdiņš. ISSN 1407-2157, LU 2008.
- E. Rencis. Model Transformation Languages L1, L2, L3 and their Implementation. Scientific Papers, University of Latvia, “Computer Science and Information Technologies”, 2008, pp. 103-139.
- S.Rikačovs. The Base Transformation Language L0+ and Its Implementation. LU Raksti, 733.sējums. Datorzinātne un informācijas tehnoloģijas. ISSN 1407-2157, LU 2008. pp. 75-102
- A.Šostaks, A.Kalniņš. The Implementation of MOLA to L3 Compiler. LU Raksti, 733.sējums. Datorzinātne un informācijas tehnoloģijas. ISSN 1407-2157, LU 2008. pp. 140-178
- O.Vilītis, A.Kalniņš. Technical solutions for the Transformation-Driven Graphical Tool Building Platform METAclipse. LU Raksti, 733.sējums. Datorzinātne un informācijas tehnoloģijas. ISSN 1407-2157, LU 2008. pp. 179-214
- K.Podnieks. Indispensability Argument and Set Theory. The Reasoner, Vol. 2, N 11, November 2008, pp. 8-9.
- J.Barzdins, S.Kozlovics, E.Rencis. The Transformation-Driven Architecture. Proceedings of DSM'08 Workshop of OOPSLA 2008, Nashville, TN, pp. 60-63.
- Sergejs Rikacovs, Janis Barzdins. Towards a Seed Transformation Language and Its Implementation. ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Toulouse, France, 28 September - 3 October 2008 (Models 2008), Doctoral Symposium, pp. 27-32.
- Elina Kalnina. DSL tool development with transformations and static mappings. ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Toulouse, France, 28 September - 3 October 2008 (Models 2008), Doctoral Symposium. ETH Zürich Technical Report 606, September 2008, pp. 9-14.
- N.Kurbatova, J.Viksna. Exploration of evolutionary relations between protein structures. Proceedings of BIRD 2008, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 13, 154-166, 2008.
- V. Kruglevskis. Use of English and Latvian parallel texts for computer-aided extraction of a bilingual lexicon. The Third Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies, Proceedings (October 4-5, 2007, Kaunas, Lithuania), pp.151-156.
- Skadiņa I., Skadiņš R., Deksne D., Gornostay T. English/Russian-Latvian Machine Translation System. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on HLT, Vilnius, 2008, 287-296.
- Deksne D., Skadiņš R., Skadiņa I. Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into Highly Inflected Languages. Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), Marrakech, Morocco
- Skadiņa I., Brālītis E. Experimental Statistical Machine Translation System for Latvian. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on HLT, Vilnius, 2008, 281-286.
- Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., Levāne-Petrova K. Multidimensional Ontologies: Integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the XIII Euralex Internacional Congress, Barcelona, July, 2008, E.Bernal and J.DeCesaris (eds.), Universitat Pompeau Fabra, Serie Activitats, Vol. 20, pp.277-284.
- Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., Levāne-Petrova K. Ontological Word Sense Disambiguation for Discourse Representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 33–40.
- Paikens P. Lexicon-Based Morphological Analysis of Latvian Language. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 235–240.
- Džeriņš J.,Džonsons K. Harvesting National Language Text Corpora from the Web. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 87-94.
- M. Buike, A. Buikis. Exact Transient Solution for System with Rectangular Fin. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Heat and Mass Transfer. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 25-30.
- A.Buikis, M.Buike, N.Ulanova. Analytically-Numerical Solution for Transient Process in the System with Rectangular Fin. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Heat and Mass Transfer. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 31-36.
- M.Buike. Exact Solution of Full 3-D Steady-State Problem for One Element of the System with Rectangular Fin. New Aspects of Heat Transfer, Termal Engineering and Environment, Part II. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 402-406.
- N.I.Kobasko, A.Buikis. Cooling time calculation for any configuration of steel part. Proceedings of 9th International Scientific and Technical Congress of Heat-Treaters and Metallographers. Vol. I, Kharkov, 2008. p. 275-281.
- A. Buikis. Several intensive steel quenching models for rectangular samples. Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE’08), Bucharest, Romania, November 7-9, 2008. WSEAS Press, 2008. p.6.
- M.Buike, A.Buikis. Hyperbolic heat equation as mathematical model for steel quenching of L-shape samples, Part 1 (Direct Problem). Applied and Computational Mathematics. Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics (MATH’08), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 15-17, 2008. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 198-203.
- A. Buikis, J. Cepitis, S. Kostjukova. The mathematical model of the plywood production. Applied and Computational Mathematics. Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics (MATH’08), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 15-17, 2008. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 365-369
- R. Vilums, H.-D. Liess, A. Buikis, A. Rudevics. Cylindrical model of transient heat conduction in automotive fuse using conservative aveeraging method. Applied and Computational Mathematics. Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics (MATH’08), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 15-17, 2008. WSEAS Press, 2008. p. 355-360
- S.Asmuss, V.Ruža. A construction of a fuzzy valued measure based on a minimum t-norm. Proceedings of EUFSLAT 2007 conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 11-14 September 2007, II sējums, pp 175-178.
- I.Bula. Topological semi-conjugacy and chaotic mappings. Proceedings of 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2008), 2008.
- J.Cepītis, H.Kalis, A.Reinfelds. Certain boundary value problem for modelling of gyrotron: numerical investigations. Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Heat and Mass Transfer, Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer. Acapulco, Mexico, January 25 -- 27, 2008, J.Krope, S.H.Sohrab, F.-K. Benra (eds.), WSEAS Press, 2008, pp. 174 – 178.
- J.Lebedinska. On the inverse of a fuzzy matrix. Proceedings of the International Conference of Topological Algebras and Applications, Tartu 2008.
- S.Solovjov. A representation theorem for quantale algebras. Contr. Gen. Alg., vol 18 (2008), 189-198.
- S.Solovyov. Categorical frameworks for variable-basis sobriety and spaciality. Proceedings of the International Conference of Topological Algebras and Applications, Tartu 2008
- B.Martuzans,Yu.Skryl. Abnormal influence of ions on sock-induced polarization in binary electrolytes. Latv. J. Phys. Tech. Sci. 1, 63-70, 2008
- N.I. Kobasko, A. Buikis. Cooling time calculation for any configuration of steel part. Proceedings of 9th International Scientific and Technical Congress of Heat-Treaters and Metallographers. Vol. I, Kharkov, 2008. p. 275-281.
- Cibulis A., Lāce G. The experience of development of pupils’ creativity in Latvia. Proceedings of The Discussion Group 9: Promoting Creativity for all Students in Mathematical Education, The 11’th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, 2008, pp. 217-223
- Manfred Schneps-Schnepe, Janis Sedols. Call Center Skill Based Routing as Teletraffic Theory Issue. Computers and Operations Research, 2008., 7 lpp. (in print)
- B.Martuzans,Yu.Skryl. Numerical simulation of charge transfer in shocked silicon at low pressure. Latv. J. Phys. Tech. Sci. 4, 2008
- Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., Levāne-Petrova K. Multidimensional Ontologies: Integration of Frame Semantics and Ontological Semantics. Proceedings of the XIII Euralex Internacional Congress, Barcelona, July, 2008, E.Bernal and J.DeCesaris (eds.), Universitat Pompeau Fabra, Serie Activitats, Vol. 20, pp.277-284.
- Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G., Saulīte B., Auziņa I., Levāne-Petrova K. Ontological Word Sense Disambiguation for Discourse Representation. Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies (Kaunas, October 2007); Published by Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 2008, pp. 33–40.
- Barzdins G., Barzdins J., Cerans K. From Databases to Ontologies. Semantic Web Engineering in the Knowledge Society; Redaktori: J.Cardoso, M. Lytras, IGI Global, 2008, pp. 242–266.
- R.Balodis. Režģa skaitļošanas izaicinājums Latvijas zinātnei. LZA Vēstis, A sērija, Nr. 6, 2008., 5-12. lpp.
- Gudkov V.V. Application of matrix solutions to modelling in particle physics. Journal of Nonlinear Studies. Pieņemts.
- J.Kaupužs, J.Rimshans, N.Smyth. Polarization kinetics in ferroelectrics with regard to fluctuations. Modelling and Simulation in Material Science and Engineering, vol. 16, 065004 (2008)
- M.Alberts, P.Bruns, A.Dzerve, J.Ekmanis, A.Gaujens, J.Kalninš, A.Martinsone, V.Zotovs. Heterogeneous system for collecting data from sensor networks via public mobile network. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-14, 2008.
- Maris Alberts, Andra Martinsone, Andris Dzerve, Marek Splichal, Karel Charvat, Stepan Kafka. Naturnet learning tools incorporation into Uniform Resource Management system. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-14, 2008.
- Gudkov V.V. Application of matrix solutions to modelling in particle physics. Journal of Nonlinear Studies. Pieņemts.
- M.Alberts, P. Bruns, A.Dzerve, J.Ekmanis, A.Gaujens, J.Kalnins, A.Martinsone, V.Zotovs. Heterogeneous system for collecting data from sensor networks via public mobile network. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-80-213-1785-7, pp.1-7, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-14, 2008
- Janis Viklis, Maris Alberts. Timber truck monitoring system Jana Seta Baltics. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-80-213-1785-7, pp.276-280, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-14, 2008
- Maris Alberts, Andra Martinsone, Andris Dzerve, Marek Splichal, Karel Charvat, Stepan Kafka. Naturnet learning tools incorporation into Uniform Resource Management system. Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-80-213-1785-7, pp.8-13, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13-14, 2008
- Karel Charvat, Stepan Kafka, Marek Splichal, Maris Alberts. URM for agriculture, environemntal eduaction, and knowledge sharing. Proceedings of World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT IAALD AFITA WCCA2008, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-4-931250-02-4, p.455-461, Tokyo, Japan, August 24 – 27, 2008
- Karel Charvat, Maris Alberts, Stepan Kafka, Jachym Cepicky, Irena Koskova and Marek Splichal. Computer Assisted Educational Processes based on Naturent Learning Tools and their Incorporation into Uniform Resource Management System. Proceedings of World Conference on Agricultural Information and IT IAALD AFITA WCCA2008, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 978-4-931250-02-4, p.819-827, Tokyo, Japan, August 24 – 27, 2008
Publikācijas citos zinātniskajos izdevumos 2008. gadā
- А.Я. Лепин. Существование решения одной краевой задачи с функциональным граничным условием. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 5 – 10
- А.Я. Лепин. Минимальные примеры для линейных условий. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 23 - 48.
- Л.A. Лeпин. Краевые задачи для -Лапласиана с максимальным решением. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 11 – 22.
- Л.A. Лeпин. Краевые задачи для -Лапласиана с максимальным решением. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 11 – 22.
- A. Ya. Lepin. On three-point boundary value problems. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 94 – 103.
- A. Gritsans, F. Sadyrbaev. Time map formulae and their applications. Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. - 8. Sējums (2008), 72 – 93.
- Andronova E. Research on the earliest (16th–17th c.) Latvian texts: the past twenty years (1985–2005). – Common Roots of the Latvian and Estonian Literary Languages. Kristiina Ross, Pēteris Vanags (eds.). Peter Lang GmbH Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften: Frankfurt am Main, 2008, pp. 253–284
- J.Sedols. I_Albumi.
- J.Sedols. Panoramio.
- B.Kaškina, K.Andresone, G.Barzdinš, D.Ludviga, S.Rovīte, K.Sataki, E.Znot. Latvian Grid project developing Grid computing environment. The TERENA Networking Conference 2008, Brugge, 19-22 May 2008.
- B.Kaškina, K.Andersone, G.Barzdinš, D.Ludviga, S.Rovīte, K.Sataki, E.Znot. BalticGrid-II project. The TERENA Networking Conference 2008, Brugge, 19-22 May 2008. The TERENA Networking Conference 2008, Brugge, 19-22 May 2008.
- A. Cibulis. A REVIEW OF RESEARCH WORK OF PUPILS OF LATVIA (2006-2007). 55-60, Teaching Mathematics: Retrospective and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference, Riga, University of Latvia, 2007. (iznākusi 2008.g.)
- Andronova E., Trumpa A., Vanags P., Siliņa–Piņķe R. Latviešu valodas vēsturiskās vārdnīcas (16.–18. gs.) projekts: pirmā posma rezultāti un turpmākie uzdevumi. Letonikas otrais kongress. Valodniecības raksti – 1. Rīga: LU aģentūra „Latviešu valodas institūts”, 2008, 74.–89. lpp.
- Skadiņa I., Vasiļjevs A. Jaunākie sasniegumi latviešu datorlingvistikas lietojumprogrammās. Letonikas otrais kongress. Valodniecības raksti-2, LZA, Rīga, 2008, 118-127.
- Saulīte B., Nešpore G., Barzdins G., Gruzitis N., µ-ontoloģijas — situāciju semantikas un ontoloģiskās semantikas apvienojums. Letonikas otrais kongress, Valodniecības raksti 2; 128.–135. lpp., Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2008.
- Bārzdiņš G., Grūzītis N., Nešpore G. Metodes un rīki tekstu korpusa daudzdimensionālai anotēšanai: projekta SemTi-Kamols pieredze. Starptautiskās konferences "BALTU DIENAS un BALTĀS NAKTIS - apaļais galds "Baltu filoloģija": pēc desmit gadiem" tēžu krājums, Sanktpēterburga, 2008, 12.–14. lpp
- Voronova I., Pettere G. Rating as an Assessment Instrument of the Insurance market Participants Security. The Problems of Development of National Economy and Entrepreneurship, RTU Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE 2008), 9-13 October, 2008 Riga, Conference Proceedings, RTU Publishing House, Riga, 2008, p. 1-16.
- J. Rimšāns, D. Žaime. Propagator Method for Numerical Solution of the Cauchy Problem for ADR Equation. LU MII paper collection: Mathematics. Differential Equations, vol. 8 (2008), 111 – 124.
- R.Balodis, I.Opmane, L.Trukšāns. Zinātniskā datu glabātuve un atvērtās tehnoloģijas. LATA konference, 12.11.2008.
- D.Zeps. Application of the Free Minor Closed Classes in the Context of the Four Color Theorem. KAM series, Praga, iesniegts
- D.Zeps. Forbidden Minors for Projective Plane are Free-Toroidal or Non-Toroidal. ITI series, Praga, iesniegts
- D.Zeps. Combinatorial Maps. Tutorial.
- J. Sedols, M. Jankevica. Zeme Latvija. 643 lpp, 2212 ilustrācijas.