L. Arge, R. Freivalds: Algorithm Theory; SWAT 2006, Proceedings of the 10th ScandinavianWorkshop on Algorithm Theory, Riga, Latvia, July 6-8, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4059, Springer-Verlag
V. A. Zīlītis: Calculation of the Photoionization Cross Sections for the Ions of the Rubidium Isoelectronic Sequence by the Dirac-Fock Method; Optics and Spectroscopy, 2006, Vol. 101, No. 5; 661 – 665.lpp
J. Vīksna, D. Gilberts: Assessment of the probabilities for evolutionary structural changes in protein folds; Bioinformatics (accepted for publication); 7.lpp
M. Golovkins, J.-E. Pins: Varieties Generated by Certain Models of Reversible Finite Automata; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4112, Springer-Verlag; 83. – 93. lpp
I. Dzelme: Quantum Finite Automata and Logics; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3831, Springer-Verlag; 246. – 253. lpp
A. Belovs: Non-intersecting Complexity; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3831, Springer-Verlag; 158. – 165. lpp
J. A. Klokovs: On Upper and Lower Functions for a Fourth-Order Ordinary Differential Equation: I; Differential Equations (MAIK Nauka Interperiodica) Vol. 41, No. 8, 2005; 1126. – 1136. lpp
J. A. Klokovs: О верхних и нижних функциях для ОДУ IV порядка: II; Дифференциальные уравнения (pieņemts)
J. A. Klokovs: Об экстремалях одного функционала на плоскости: II; Дифференциальные уравнения (pieņemts)
J. A. Klokovs: Об экстремалях одного функционала на плоскости; Дифференциальные уравнения (pieņemts)
J. A. Lepins, V. D. Ponomarevs: О положительном решении трехточечной краевой задачи; Дифференциальные уравнения, т. 42, № 2, 2006; 272. – 274. lpp
J. A. Lepins, L. A. Lepins, V. D. Ponomarevs: Некоторые краевые задачи для дифференциального уравнения третьего порядка; Дифференциальные уравнения (pieņemts)
A. Reinfelds, K. Janglajew: Reduction principle in the theory of stability of difference equations; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (2007) (pieņemts publicēšanai)
A. Ambainis, M. Beaudry, M. Golovkins, u.c.: Algebraic Results on Quantum Automata; Theory of Computing Systems, Vol. 39(1), Springer-Verlag, 2006; 165. – 188. lpp
J. Vīksna, E. Celms, M. Opmanis, u.c.: PASSIM - an open source software system for managing information in biomedical studies; BMC Bioinformatics (accepted for publication), 2006; 15.lpp
E. Celms, M. Opmanis, A. Zariņš, u.c.: MolPAGE warehouse – a data integration platform for genomic epidemiology studies; Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics (accepted for publication), 2006; 13. lpp
A. Kalniņš, E. Celms, A. Sostaks: Simple and Efficient Implementation of Pattern Matching in MOLA Tool; Proceedings of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS’2006). , Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3-6, 2006; 159. – 167. lpp.
A. Kalniņš, V. Vītols: Use of UML and Model Transformations for Workflow Process Definitions; Communications of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS’2006). , Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3-6, 2006; 3. – 14. lpp
J. Bārzdiņš, G. Bārzdiņš, R. Balodis, u.c.: Towards Semantic Latvia; Communications of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS’2006). , Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3-6, 2006; 203. – 218. lpp
J. Bārzdiņš, A. Kalniņš: MDA Support by Transformation Based Tool; Proceedings of First International Workshop MoRSe 2006. , Warsaw, Poland, October 2006; 21. – 24. lpp
G. Bārzdiņš, N. Grūzītis, R. Kudiņš: Re-engineering OntoSem Ontology Towards OWL DL Compliance; Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", vol. 140, IOS Press, 2006; 157. – 166. lpp
A. Buikis: Conservative averaging as an approximate method for solution of some direct and inverse heat transfer problems; Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer, IX. WIT Press, 2006.; 311. – 320. lpp
M. Buike, A. Bukis: Analytical approximate method for three-D transport processes in layered media; Proceedings of 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT, Elounda, Crete Island, Greece, August 21-23, 2006; 232. – 237. lpp
A. Burve, A. Buikis: Some approximate analytical steady-state solutions for cylindrical fin; Proceedings of 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT, Elounda, Crete Island, Greece, August 21-23, 2006; 238. – 243. lpp
R. Viļums, A. Buikis: Conservative averaging method and its application for one heat conduction problem; Proceedings of 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENT, Elounda, Crete Island, Greece, August 21-23, 2006; 226. – 231. lpp
M. Buike, A. Buikis: Modelling three-D transport processes in anisotropic layered stratum by conservative averaging method; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, Issue 4, vol.1, 2006; 430. - 437.lpp
A. Burve, A. Buikis: Analytical 3-D steady-state statement for cylindrical fin and some of it’s approximate solutions; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, Issue 4, vol.1, 2006; 415. – 422. lpp
R. Viļums, A. Buikis: Conservative averaging method for partial differential equations with discontinuous coefficients; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on HEAT and MASS TRANSFER, Issue 4, vol.1, 2006; 383. – 390. lpp
M. Buike, A.Buikis: System of Models for Transport Processes in Layered Strata; Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2006; 19. – 24. lpp
M. Buike, A.Buikis: System of various mathematical models for transport processes in layered strata with interlayers; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 4, vol.6, 2007; 551. – 558. lpp
A. Buikis, Š. Guseinovs: Inverse Initial Heat Flux and Relaxation Time Finding Problems for Hyperbolic Heat Equation; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 1, Vol. 6, 2007; 43. – 48. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: On one approach for reducing of 3-D inverse heat conductivity problem in a multilayered domain to 1-D inverse problem and the uniqueness theorem; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 5, Vol. 5, 2006; 292. – 499. lpp
A. Buikis, Š. Guseinovs: Inverse Initial Heat Flux and Relaxation Time Finding Problems for Hyperbolic Heat Equation; Proceedings of 10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Dallas, Texas, USA, November 01-03, 2006; 10. – 14. lpp
H. Kalis; A. Bikis, J. Schatz: Numerical computation of flow field caused by vortices chain; Proceedings of 5th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2006; 19. – 24. lpp
H. Kalis; A. Buikis, J. Schatz: Numerical computation of flow field caused by vortices in finite cylinder, cone and channel; WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS, Issue 4, vol.6, 2006, 567. – 574. lpp
Š. Guseinovs, A. Buikis, M. Buike: Modelling of Intensive Steel Quenching Process by Time Inverse Hyperbolic Heat Conduction; The 4th International Scientific Conference on Modelling for Material Processing, June 08-09, 2006, Riga, Latvia, Proceedings, 169 – 172. lpp
Š. Guseinovs, A. Buikis, N. I. Kobasko: Математическая постановка задачи с гиперболическим уравнением теплопроводности для интенсивного закаливания стали и аналитический метод ее решения; 7-я Международная научно-техническая конференция «Оборудование и технологии термической обработки металлов и сплавов в машиностроении», Апрель 24–28, 2006, Харьков, Украина, Сб. “Избранные труды конференции”; 21. – 27. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: Uniqueness theorem and algorithm for the solution one non-stationary 3-D inverse heat conductivity problem in a layered domain; 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS, May 27-29, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings; 28. – 34. lpp
H. Kalis, Š. Guseinovs: Calculations of the thermal-conductivity coefficients for 1-D heat transfer inverse problems; The International Scientific Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", October 03-05, 2006, Baku, Azerbaijan, Proceedings, Vol. 1; 25. – 32. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: On one method for calculation of the thermal-conductivity coefficients for heat transfer inverse problems; The International Scientific Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", October 03-05, 2006, Baku, Azerbaijan, Proceedings, Vol. 1; 113. – 117. lpp
M. Opmanis, V. Dagiene, A. Trū: Task Types at "Beaver"Contests; Proceedings of the Second International Conference "Informatics in Secondary Schools: Evolution and Perspectives" (ISSEP 2006). , Vilnius, Lithuania, November 7-11, 2006; 509. – 519. lpp
R. Agandžanjans, J. Smotrovs: Efficient Quantum Query Algorithms Detecting Hamming and Reed-Solomon Codes; Proc. SOFSEM 2006, Vol. II 2006; 64. – 73. lpp
T. Slatenkova – Mischenko. A. Dubrovska: Computing Boolean Functions: Exact Quantum Query Algorithms and Low Degree Polynomials; Proc. SOFSEM 2006, Vol. II; 91. – 100. lpp
L. Mančinska, M. Ozola, R. Praude, u. c.: Limitations of Unary Finite Automata; Proc. SOFSEM 2006, Vol. II; 128. – 136. lpp
M. Ozols, L. Mančinska, I. Bērziņa- Dzelme, u.c.: Principles of Optimal Probabilistic Decision Tree Construction; Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CSREA Press, 2006; 116. – 122.lpp.
I. Bērziņa- Dzelme: Modular Logic and Quantum Finite State Automata; Proc. AQIS 2006, Beijing (China), 2006; 145. – 146. lpp
A. Rosmanis, I. Bērziņa- Dzelme: Mixed States in Quantum Cryptography; Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CSREA Press, 2006; 214. – 218. lpp
L. Lāce, O. Scegulnaja- Dubrovska, R. Usovs, u.c.: Quantum Cryptographic Key Distribution Protocols; Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, CSREA Press, 2006; 226. – 232. lpp
J. Kaupužs: Finite-size corrections to correlation function and susceptibility in 2D Ising model; Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, vol. 17, No. 8 2006; 1095. – 1105. lpp
T. Purītis, J. Kaupužs: Photoluminiscence from silicon nanocrystals initiated by Auger recombination; Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 35; 16. – 22. lpp
J. Kaupužs, J. Rimshans, N. Smyth: Numerical analysis of Fokker-Planck equation in ferroelectrics with regard to polarization fluctuations; “Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering”, Proc. of ISEF’05, IOS Press; 58. – 63.lpp
J. Kaupužs, R. Mahnke, J. R. Harris: Metastability in zero-range model of traffic flow; Traffic and Granular Flow 2005, to be published.
N. Sinenko, V, S. Vasiljeva: Kalman filter approach for extracting trend and cyclical information from latvian exports data; Proceeding of the 5th International Conference APLIMAT’ 2006. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, Slovak Republic, 2006; 599. – 606. lpp
V. Ajevskis, N. Sinenko: Exchange rate dynamical modelwith the terminal conditionof joining currency area; Proceedings of the 32th international Conference Macromodels, Kliczkow, 30 November – 3 December, 2005; 251. – 268. lpp.
S. Asmuss, A. Šostaks: On central algorithms of approximation under fuzzy information; Fuzzy Sets and Syst., vol. 156, (2005, publ. 2006.g.); 459. – 465. lpp
O. Ļebedeva: Many-valued order relation and fuzzification of ordered set category; Acta Univ. Latviensis (pieņemts publicēšanai 2006.g.)
S. Solovjovs: On the category SET(JCPos); Fuzzy Sets and Syst., vol. 157, (2006)
S. Solovjovs: Categories of lattice-valued sets as categories of arrows; Fuzzy Sets and Syst., vol. 157, (2006); 843. – 854.lpp
J. Steprāns. A. Šostaks: On weakly CLP-compact spaces; Topology and Appl. (pieņemts publ.2006.g.)
J. Steprāns. A. Šostaks: On Beta-compact spaces; Topology Proceedings (iesniegts 2006.g.)
I. Zvina: On i-topological mspaces: generalization of the concept of a topological space via ideāls; Applied General Topology, Vol 7, N 1 (2006); 51. – 66. lpp
I. Bula, D. Rika: Arrow-Hahn economic models with weakened conditions of continuit; Banach Center Publications, 2006, V. 71; 47. – 61.lpp
I. Bula, A. Vintere: On the population model with a sine function; 1. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2006, V.11 (1); 35. – 40. lpp
J. Cepītis: Mathematical modelling of biochemical reactions for certain agriculture production processing; Proceedings of 5th Nordic-Baltic Agrometrics Conference, Jume 15-17, 2005, Otepaa, Estonia Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 2006; 35. – 40. lpp
J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, A. Reinfelds: Numerical analysis of the stationary boundary value problem for modeling of gyrotron.; Math. Model. Anal, 12, (2005), (pieņemts publicēšanai)
J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, H. Dumbrājs: Numerical simulation of the problem arising in the gyrotron theory; Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004, Springer, Berlin, 2006; 124. – 128. lpp
B. Judrupa, O. Judrups: Когнитивные модули в математике вуза; Teaching Mathematics: Retrospective and Perspectives, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Tartu, University of Tartu, May 12 – 13, 2006; 74. -79.lpp
G. Pettere, V. Jansons: The best method for modelling a two-risk negative correlation portfolio; Economics and Business, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University 3 sērija, 10 sējums, RTU izdevn., Rīga – 2005; 90. – 100. lpp
G. Pettere: Optimal Equity Portfolio Modelling via Copulas; CERAM Sophia Antipolis, European School of Business „39th Meeting Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling”, November 16-17, 2006; 1. – 13. lpp
T. Kollo, G. Pettere: Copula models for estimating outstanding claim provisions; Festschrift for Tarmo Pukkila on his 60th Birthday. University of Tampere, Vammala, 2006; 115. – 125. lpp
I. Jermačenko, F. Sadirbajevs: Types of solutions and multiplicity results for fourth order nonlinear boundary value problems; Proceedings of the Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA, August 1-5; 989. – 998. lpp
J. Sadjirbajevs, A. Gritsans: On Nehari solutions; Proceedings of EQUADIFF 11 International Conference on Differential Equations, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 25 - 29, 2005 (to appear)
J. Sadjirbajevs, A. Gritsans: Characteristic Numbers of Non-Autonomous Emden- Fowler Type Equations; J. Math. Model. Anal. , vol. 11, 2006, N 3; 243. – 252. lpp
S. Ogorodņikova, F. Sadirbajevs: Multiple Solutions of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems with Oscillatory Solutions; J. Math. Model. Anal., vol. 11, 2006, N 4; 413. – 426. lpp
S. Asmuss, N. Budkina: Splines in convex sets under constraints of two-sided inequality type in a hyperplane; Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations“. (iesniegts);
N. Budkina: Применение сплайнов в непараметрическом оценивании регрессии; Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології (iesniegts)
Š. Guseinovs: The method for reduction of generalized Stephan inverse problem to nonlinear Voltaire type integro-differential equation; Journal of Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2, Vol. 10, 2006; 57. – 67. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: The method for reduction of one nonlinear problem for Kortevega - de Vries differential equation to nonlinear Voltaire type integral equation; Journal of Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2, Vol. 10, 2006; 68. – 74. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: The method for reduction of general nonlinear problem for Monge - Ampere differential equation to nonlinear Voltaire type integro-differential equation; Journal of Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2, Vol. 10, 2006; 75. – 80. lpp
J. Rimšāns: A Propagator Method for Numerical Solution 2D Parabolic Equations; Proc. of the Sixth International Conference Numerical Methods and Applications - NMA06, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2006.; B62- B63
J. Rimšāns: A Propagator Method for the Numerical Solution Linear Parabolic Equations; Proc. of the 12th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics - ICCAM 2006, Leuven, Belgium, 2006; 45. lpp
J. Rimšāns, D. Žaime: Propagator Numerical Method for Solving 2D ADR Equation; Proc. of the 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis - MMA 2006, Jūrmala, Latvia, 2006.; 56. lpp
G. Bārzdiņš, N. Grūzītis, R. Kudiņš: Re-engineering OntoSem Ontology Towards OWL DL Compliance; Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", vol. 140, IOS Press, 2006; 157. – 166. lpp
G. Bārzdiņš, N. Grūzītis, R. Kudiņš: Latviešu valoda semantiskajā tīmeklī; LZA Vēstis A, 2006, Nr. 6; 26. – 42. lpp
J. Klokovs: Об одной краевой задаче вариационного исчисления; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 10. – 16.lpp
A. J. Lepins: О линейных условиях; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 17. – 23. lpp
A. J. Lepins, L. Lepins: Одна краевыя задача для уравнения n-го порядка; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 24. – 27. lpp
A. J. Lepins, L. Lepins: О некоторых краевых задачах для уравнения n-го порядка; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006);35. – 43. lpp
L. Lepins: Краевые задачи с максимальным решением при условиях 1 –D; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 35. – 43. lpp
V. Ponomarevs: О единственности решения краевых задач для системы двух дифференциальных уравнений первого порядка с линейными граничными условиями; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 44. – 50. lpp
N. Vasiljevs, A. Lepins: Об одной сингулярной краевой задаче; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 5. – 9. lpp
A. Gricāns, F. Sadirbajevs: On nonlinear eigenvalue problems; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 76. – 86. lpp
A. Gricāns, F. Sadirbajevs: Nonlinear spectra for parameter dependent ordinary differential equations; Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, Vilnius, IMI (iesniegts).
F. Sadirbajevs, I. Jermačenko: On solutions of the fourth order nonlinear boundary value problem; Latv. Univ. MII Zinātn. Raksti. Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi. – 6. Sējums (2006); 96. – 107. lpp
S. Solovjovs: Algebraic properties of comma categories; Acta Univ. Latviensis (pieņemts publicēšanai 2006.g.).
S. Asmuss, A. Šostaks: L-fuzzy splines for approximation under fuzzy information; . LU Raksti, Ser. Matemātika. Rīga. (iesniegts)
S. Asmuss, V. Ruža: On construction of an L-fuzzy valued T-measure; . LU Raksti, Ser. Matemātika. Rīga. (iesniegts)
J. Steprāns, A. Šostaks: Acta Univ. Latviensis (pieņemts publicēšanai 2006.g.).On weakly CLP-compact spaces; Acta Univ. Latviensis (pieņemts publicēšanai 2006.g.).
I. Zvina: Stone-type construction for an arbitrary subset of the family o fall ideāls of a distributive lattice; Acta Univ. Latviensis (pieņemts publicēšanai 2006.g.).
M. Opmanis: Some Ways to Improve Olympiads in Informatics; Informatics in Education, 2006, Vol.5, No.1;113. – 124. lpp
V. Krugļevskis: Automation of some aspects of terminology management in the translation process; Terminology of National Languages and Globalization, Vilnius, Lithuanian Language Institute, 2006; 31. – 32. lpp
G. Nešpore, N. Gruzītis, E. Andronova: K. Mīlenbaha un J. Endzelīna "Latviešu valodas vārdnīcas" pilnveidota elektroniskā versija; Letonikas pirmais kongress. Valodniecības raksti. – Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2006.; 241. – 249. lpp
E. Andronova, A. Trumpa, P. Vanags: Latviešu vēsturiskās vārdnīcas (16.–18. gs.) projekts: iestrādes un problēmas; Letonikas pirmais kongress. Valodniecības raksti. – Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2006.; 9. – 17. lpp
A. Cibulis: Ekstrēmu uzdevumi 2. daļa; Rīga, Mācību grāmata, 2006; 102 lpp
A. Cibulis, G. Sičermans: Polyhex compatibility; Math Horizons, November, 2006; 36., 37., 43. lpp
A. Cibulis: Matemātiskās rotaļlietas. Sofismi.; Terra, 2006, janvāris-februāris; 48 lpp
J. Ķikuts, B. Martuzāns: Latvijas grid ir sācies; Sakaru Pasaule, N1, 2006; 38.lpp
R. Balodis, B. Martuzāns: Akadēmisko datortīklu optiskā nākotne; Sakaru Pasaule, N2. 2006; 41.lpp
R. Balodis, J. Ķikuts: Latvijai ir nepieciešams moderns akadēmiskais datortīkls; Sakaru Pasaule, N3. 2006; 60.lpp
J. Ķikuts, B. Martuzāns: Latvijas grid tīkls e-zinātnes attīstībai; Sakaru Pasaule, N4, 2006; 61. lpp
G. Pettere, T. Kollo: Modeling claim size in time via copulas; Transactions of 28th International Congress of Actuaries, N 206, 2006;
G. Pettere, I. Voronova: Development of professionalism of Latvian Actuaries; Transactions of 28th International Congress of Actuaries, N 3005, 2006
L. Mančinska, M. Ozols: On finding optimal quantum query algorithms using numerical optimization; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006; 219. lpp
T. Misčenko- Slatenko: Low Degree Boolean Functions: Application in Quantum Computation; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006, 220. lpp
R. Freivalds: Number-theoretical conjectures and size of quantum finite automata; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006; 221. lpp
R. Freivalds, L. Lāce: Two lower bounds for quantum query complexity; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006; 222.lpp
I. Dzelme- Bērziņa: Formulas of first order logic and quantum finite automata; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006; 223. lpp
V. Kravcevs, M. Kravtsev, M. Golovkins: Closure Properties of Probabilistic Reversible DH Automata; Book of Abstracts "The 8th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing", NICT and Tamagawa University, Japan, 2006; 224. lpp
J. Kaupužs: Critical exponents of 3D Ising model from theory and Monte Carlo simulations of very large lattices; Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden, 27--31 March, 2006, Abstracts; 209. lpp
J. Kaupužs, Critical exponents of 3D Ising model from theory and large-scale MC simulations; MECO31, 23-26 April, 2006, Primošten, Croatia, Abstracts; 93.lpp
J. Kaupužs, R. Mahnke, R. J. Harris: Metastability in zero-range model of traffic flow; MECO31, 23-26 April, 2006, Primošten, Croatia, Abstracts; 57. lpp
J. Kaupužs: Critical exponents of 3D Ising model from theory and large-scale MC simulations; Third Annual Meeting COST ACTION P10 Physics of Risk & Workshop on Complex System Science, Vilnius, Lithuania, 13-16 May, 2006, Abstracts; 17. lpp
T. Bobinska, J. Rimšāns: Nodal Numerical Method for Reaction-Diffusion equation: Difference Scheme; Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis. Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006; 11. lpp
J. Rimšāns, A. Kupča: Nodal Numerical Method for 2D Hemlholtz Equation: Difference Scheme and Truncation Order; Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis. Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006; 34. lpp
P. Morevs, J. Rimšāns: Nodal Numerical 2D Schrodinger Equation; Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis. Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006; 39. lpp
J. Rimšāns, D. Žaime: Propagator Method for the Numerical Solution of ADR Equation; Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis. Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006; 46. lpp
J. Rimšāns: Propagator Method for the Numerical Diffusion; Acta Societatis Mathematicae Latviensis. Abstracts of the 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, Latvia, 2006; 47. lpp
F. Sadirbajevs, I. Jermačenko: Types of solutions and multiplicity results for two-point nonlinear boundary value problems; Book of Abstracts of the Sixth AIMS Intern. Conf. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Poitiers, France, June 25 – 28, 2006; 232. lpp
F. Sadirbajevs, A. Gricāns: On sine and cosine type functions, arisisng in the theory of nonlinear differential equations; Acta Soc. Math. Latv., Book of abstracts of 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, April 7-8, 2006; 28. lpp
F. Sadirbajevs, A. Gricāns: On problems of the calculus of variations, which relate to superlinear ordinary differential equations; Acta Soc. Math. Latv., Book of abstracts of 6th Latvian Mathematical Conference, Liepāja, April 7-8, 2007; 49. lpp
I. Brūvere: Three dimensional heat transfer in cylindrical wall with fin; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 12. lpp
R. Viļums: Analytically-numerical approach for the heat transfer in wire with insulation; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 68. lpp
Buikis, Š. Guseinovs: Some inverse problems for hyperbolic heat equations; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 13. lpp
Š. Guseinovs: On one method for reducing of the 3-D inverse thermal conductivity problem in multilayered domain to the 1-D inverse problem and the uniqueness theorem; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 28. – 29. lpp
H. Kalis, A. Buikis, J. Schatz: Numerical calculation of the flows field caused by the chain of vortexes; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 14. lpp
Š. Guseinovs, H. Kalis: New approach for determination of thermal-conductivity coefficient.; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 30. lpp
H. Kalis, I. Kangro: Calculation of heat and moisture distribution in the porous media layer; The 11th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA-2006), June 01-04, 2006, Jurmala, Latvia, Book of Abstracts; 37. lpp
J. Cepītis: Development of courses connected with differential equations realizing improvement of mathematicians training in the University of Latvia; Abstracts of 7th International Conference “Teaching Mathematics –Retrospective and Perspectives”, Tartu, Estonia, May 12 – 13, 2006.;
J. Cepītis: Qualitative investigation of boundary value problems for some self-similar systems; Abstracts of the 3rd International Workshop “Constructive methods for non-linear boundary value problems”, Sarospatak-Miskolz, Hungary, June 7 – 10, 2006
J. Cepītis: Solvability of two-point boundary value problems for second order differential equations with nonsummable singularities of the certain kind; Abstracts of the Colloquium of Differential and Difference Equations, Brno, Czech Republic, September 5 – 8, 2006
J. Cepītis: Some observations with respect to the mathematical modelling of biochemical reactors; Abstracts of the 14th Conference of ECMI, Madrid, Spain, July 10 – 14, 2006
B. Judrupa, O. Judrups: Когнитивные модули в математике вуза; Обучение математике: история и перспективы 7 – ая международная конференция 12 – 13 мая 2006. тезисы докладов, Tartu 2006; 23. – 24. lpp
A. Reinfelds: Decoupling and partial linearization of nonautonomous difference equations; Abstracts of the Conference "Progress on Difference Equations", Homburg/Saar, Germany, March 6-10, 2006;
G. Pettere, V. Jansons: Stochastic analysis of insurance liabilities; Abstracts of Communications 9th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, June 25-30, 2006.; 260. lpp
G. Pettere: Modelling Incured but not Reported Claim Reserve Using Copulas; International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling in Honor of Enrique Castillo (ICMSM 2006). Program and Abstracts. University of Castilla-La Mancha Ciudal Real (Spain) June 28-30, 2006., 60. lpp
G. Pettere, I. Voronova: Foundation of actuarial Education in Latvia; 22 nd Baltic Conference on the History of Science, Vilnius 5- 6 October 2006.; Vilnius, 2006; 73. – 74. lpp
A. Reinfelds: Decoupling and simplifying of dynamical systems.; Abstracts of the International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied in the Sciences, San Jose, Costa Rica, February 21-24, 2006
J. Cepītis, H. Kalis, A. Reinfelds: Numerical analysis of the stationary problem for modelling of gyrotron; Abstracts of the 11th International conference MMA2006, Jūrmala, Latvia, May 31 – June 3, 2006;
K. Janglajevs, A. Reinfelds: Reduction principle in the theory of stability of difference equations; Abstracts of the 6th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Poitiers, France, June 25–28, 2006;
A. Reinfelds: Conjugacy of difference systems; Abstracts of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain, August 22 -30, 2006; 88. – 89. lpp
A. Reinfelds: Reduction principle in the theory of stability of difference and differential equations; Abstracts of the Colloquium of Differential and Difference Equations, Brno, Czech Republic, September 5 – 8, 2006; 55. lpp
F. Sadirbajevs, A. Gricāns: Some properties of solutions of Emden-Fowler type equations; Proc. 64th scient. conf. University of Latvia, Feb-10-2006 . Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi: Zinātniskie raksti. Rīga: LU MII, 2006; 111.lpp
F. Sadirbajevs, A. Gricāns: Multiplicity of the Nehari solutions; Proc. 64th scient. conf. University of Latvia, Feb-10-2006 . Matemātika. Diferenciālvienādojumi: Zinātniskie raksti. Rīga: LU MII, 2006; 114. lpp