Nr.621447 (Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems) Joint Technology Initiatives - Collaborative Project (ARTEMIS)
Nr.621353 (Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure) Joint Technology Initiatives - Collaborative Project (ARTEMIS)
Full Stack of Language Resources for Natural Language Understanding and Generation in Latvian
Nr., supported by the European Regional Development Fund
Latvian language in monolingual and bilingual acquisition: tools, theories and applications
NFI/R/2014/053, supported by the European Regional Development Fund and Riga Teacher Training and Education management Academy
Software for Real Time Application (TELOS)
Nr. 3-27-43
GEANT -2016
Nr. 731122
Letonica: Latvian History, Language, Culture, Values
Automated visual material recognition and annotation system for LETA archive