ESF activity „Involving Human Resources in Science (the second stage)”
ESF Project „Applications of mathematical structures based on fuzzy logic principles in the development of telecommunication network design and resource control technologies”
An agreement Nr.2013/0024/1DP/ of realization of this Project was concluded
The aim of the project is to create an interdisciplinary group of scientists which includes PhD students, young researchers, and foreign scientists who will conduct research of mathematical structures on the basis of fuzzy logic and on the ground of the obtained results to develop the technology for the management of the resources of telecommunication networks.
The activities of the project: The formation of a new interdisciplinary scientific group; scientific reciprocity of mathematicians and professionals in the field of telecommunications; subject research work; Preparation of scientific publications and reports; Ensuring the society by information and publicity.
Expected results: A new interdisciplinary scientific group, 3.5 rates in the FTE express ensured at least for 2 years after the project is finished; A new technology for the management of the telecommunication resources; 8 publications in the journals included in the database; 50 reports at the international scientific conferences.
The project is realized by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia (IMCS UL) and Riga Technical University (RTU) with the support of the European Social Foundation (ESF). For the realization of the project, it is envisaged to involve 10 young scientists, PhD students and competitors for the degree as well as 2 foreign scientists.
The period of realization of the Project: from January 1, 2014 till August 31, 2015. The total payment of the Project is 497588.23 EUR, among them 448474.97 EUR is the ESF financing, 48115.83 EUR is the financing from the state budget, and 997.43 EUR is the private financing.
The scientific leader of the Project is the senior researcher of the IMCS UL Aleksandrs Šostaks
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